субота, 16 травня 2015 р.

Our students' thoughts about course

Dear students,

Our course is going to finish in a month, so we would like to know your thoughts about this year, which we spent together.
Please, write in comments your opinion about our learning.

Hope to read your ideas in comments,

Best wishes,
Ruslana Shamanska

11 коментарів:

  1. I dont know what i must to write but I try))) All lessons were super)))))))) At first- I never knew that I learnt to create computer"s sites on this course - I did not never think that I have taught to creat it! Really.

    I never thought that I met a lot of pleasure people here, who would be my friends soon! I glad that i met them! I never know that I met our two super teachers (really super- it is constatition of fact)... Also I never thought that I will learn English language again. I never knew that my two teachers (Ruslana and Victoria) will be very kindly, profesional persons and really wants to help us! I never thouhgt that I learnt a lot of interesting facts about USA! I have learnt a grammar (почти) verbs, and I also learn to taught own blog and Vocaroo!!

    Thank you, my super teachers (Ruslana and Victoria)!! Thank you, my classmates for disscutions and help to me! Thank my Poltava group for pleasure hours with you! We are very frendly, joy group! Thank for attention!! Best wishes V/KА Poltava!!

  2. «English for people with a disabilities» - it’s very interesting and helpful course. The most value for me was talking with another people in English. I think, speaking in English it’s the best way to learn it. IT-part gives many skills using computer and internet. Thanks for the professional teachers and interesting topics.

  3. Thanks a lot to the Embassy of USA in Ukraine for this course and also to the organizers in Kiev. I like this course because it is possible to take part of the online meetings at any place where you can connect to the Internet. It is very convenient for me. The combination of online studies and IT-technology is interesting and require the usage of the computer. .It is sad that the English course soon will be finished and I really wish there would be a continuation of this course. Also thanks a lot to our teachers Ruslana and Uliana who have spent a lot of time to provide us with knowledge of the English language

  4. Dear Students of the course, Dear Ruslana and all teachers that helped students this academic year to study English and computer programs. I must say THANK YOU to YOU ALL. You do a great job together. Students were very active and hard- working during their study, with a great eager to study and learn more and more. Ruslana, your lessons are extremely interesting and you are one of the best teachers in the world. Believe me, I am not exaggerating. Thank you so much for your work. It was marvelous.
    Fellow English Teacher, Natalia Matkovska

  5. English lessons like me on many criteria:
    1. Good teachers in class face to face and Videoemployment .
    2. Many new and exciting programs.
    3. Create different sites.
    4. Getting to know new people.
    Something was initially difficult to understand and somewhat not. But nothing. Once the teacher immediately told us everything was in its place. I regret that our course will end soon . I was very pleased to learn

  6. I learn English during sixteen years. But the most intensive course I have this year. That's why the best result I have in nine months.
    "English for people with disabilities" is very interesting and helpful course. We can speak English, we can work on the computer, we can become professional!
    I received:
    1) good teachers;
    2) many new and exciting programs;
    3) creative skills;
    4) get to know new people.
    I hope that the end of the course will not ordinary.
    But I must say that it's very difficult to work on the on-line lessons because my Internet is bad. That's why some exercises I do not on time. But I DO it!
    Thank you very much!
    Best regards,
    Maryna Stashyna-Neimet (from Stanytsa Luhanska to Uzhhorod, Ukraine)

  7. Мне очень было интересно учиться. Признаюсь, поначалу было сложно. Мне сложно с IT-занятиями. Одним словом, наш проект –очень интересный. И учителя,(Руслана и Женя),-молодцы! Жаль, что занятие с Женей только раз в неделю.

  8. The course "English for people with disabilities" for me is very helpful.

    Our English lessons (whether on-line or “face to face”) are very exciting. We always speak about different situations in our life, write and read something new for us in our classes, and it is very cool. I like the way teaching English lessons. They are interesting from a variety of tasks: discuss various topics, grammar exercises, audio and video exercises, IT-tasks, etc.

    I am very glad that I have gone to this English course. Thanks to our very competent and friendly teachers Ruslana and Uliana.

  9. The idea of ​​the organizers and for the opportunity to study English for people with disabilities a chance in many ways, because English is international.
    Interestingly compiled program of training and professionalism of teachers helped me to improve their level of English.
    It is very accessible and interesting. Through this program, learn English, it seems to me the opportunity to be more competitive and in demand in various sectors of society.
    Given the urgency of the English language, to improve and enhance the knowledge, I want to contact the organizers with a request to continue this training program.
    Thanks for all! Yours faithfully, Victor.

  10. Доброго дня, шановні викладачі та колеги!
    Ось уже майже рік як ми разом. Ми намагаємося пізнати англійську мову через традиції, звичаї, культуру англомовних країн. Ви дуже нам у цьому допомагаєте, шановні викладачі! Цікаво вивчати мову через національні та популярні пісні, через обряди. Так склалося, що відомості про новітні техніки та технології найчастіше приходять до нас англійською мовою. саме тому вивчення першоджерел англійською мовою є дуже корисним для подальшої роботи та побудив кар"єри. Дуже дякую вам, шановні викладачі. за вашу креативність толерантність та терплячість. А вам, шановні колеги за чудовий час, який ми провели разом пізнаючи таємниці англійської мови. :)
