понеділок, 19 січня 2015 р.

Week 16-1

Week 16
from the 19th of January to 25th of January
Topic: Business Cost. Money. 


1) Working on your blog2) Writing comments to the others blog3) Write post about the learning process during the 16th week. - REFLECTION  Include to the post: (you can add photos too)
  • what tasks did you get
  • what was easy for you
  • what was difficult for you
  • what was the topic of the on-line meetings
  • what was the topic of the face -to-face meeting

Here is the example of my reflection on the 15th week.

Week 15.
Date- 12th-18th of January
Topic: Entertaining + Money 

As for IT-task my adult - students had to create their own blogs. After one week we have 12 nice blogs. 

This week English task was quite small (only 3 small compositions about corporative events for two groups of business partners and 5 sentences about currencies).  But for some participants tasl was difficult and I have known about this only on Friday, during on-line meeting. So, I created one additional post with explanation. 

It was difficult for me to say my students about deadline for the homework at EDMODO. I hope it will work. And they will do all tasks in time - it will be easier for me  to check their tasks, and I will do checking quickly.

Also, as for me, it was hard to read some comments at Edmodo. My students were discussing our lessons and complained about the lack of speaking practice. We have to do something with it!!!

On-line meeting this week were mostly about learning polite questions (Would, may...). I showed them a part of my favourite film "Shawshank redemtion", when we studied words REJECTED and APPROVED. Also we started to speak about different currencies in the word and red about dollars.

I don't know what was at face-to-face meeting, I must phone teachers and ask.   


page 49-53 in the textbook - Intelligent Business

New words

1. Write words to your vocabulary - запишіть слова до словника
2. Learning big numbers
Look and try to understand.

3. Listening
Прослухайте речення та заповніть пропуски. 

Відповіді надіщліть на Edmodo.


4.1. Запишіть нові слова з тексту до словника

4.2. прочитайте текст про діяльність Білла Гейса та доповніть речення відповідними цифрами (запишіть цифри словами ) та надішліть доповнені речення на Edmodo.

4.3. Прочитайте текст та напишіть  розгорнуті відповіді на запитання. Пришліть їх на Edmodo

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